
the other me might even be better than this one

Goodbye, Ginny

April 21, 2024 — Gideon Mayhak


At 3:23 p.m. on Friday, April 19, we said goodbye to our beloved coonhound Ginny. It is an understatement to say it hit us hard. She was so much a part of our new life back in Wisconsin, living with us for over two and a half of the three years we've owned our house in Barron. The emotional weight has felt like moving. We left our home around 2:00 p.m. on Friday for the last time, and we came home to a new space. Where's our girl?

Consider this a eulogy for a dog.


Tags: ginny, meet-the-mayhaks, music

Season's greetings, 2022

December 24, 2022 — Gideon Mayhak


Well, 2022 happened. Every few weeks I'd think, Maybe I should write a blog post, and I wouldn't get around to it. Since the card Sarah made this year is sort of one-sided (more below), I figured I'd use this annual post to write up some highlights from the year.


Tags: cd-listening, christmas, ginny, meet-the-mayhaks, music, photography

From Electric Light Orchestra to Folds

April 30, 2021 — Gideon Mayhak


With the busyness of preparing for a move in a couple weeks, intentional music listening has fallen by the wayside as of late. Even so, I wanted to get a short one out about a few more discs in the collection.


Tags: cd-listening, meet-the-mayhaks, music

From Death Cab for Cutie to Does It Offend You, Yeah?

March 27, 2021 — Gideon Mayhak


After much procrastinating, I finally started writing this post while staying at our new house in Barron, WI. We haven't officially moved yet, but we took Sarah's spring break to drive up and take a closer look at this place we bought entirely from Virginia. I'm very thankful for my dad's willingness to go and look at the house and give an informed opinion before we made an offer. Cheers to Casey Watters and her team for all their help.

The release of this post was also delayed for a special appearance.

Anyway, we continue exploring the collection with a look at a handful of different bands.


Tags: cd-listening, meet-the-mayhaks, music

From Daft Punk to Daft Punk

February 21, 2021 — Gideon Mayhak


For no particular reason other than I like the way it breaks up the artist groupings in my collection, we start the Ds with a single band (duo? group?). This is also a feeble attempt at posting more regularly by covering fewer albums at a time.


Tags: cd-listening, music

From Costello to Crane Wives

January 31, 2021 — Gideon Mayhak


I'm happy to bring reminiscences of an artist enjoyed by generations of Mayhaks, along with a band Sarah and I discovered together. This one encompasses quite a few discs from the collection considering it only covers two distinct artists and nine albums. Lots of "deluxe editions".


Tags: cd-listening, meet-the-mayhaks, music

From Albright to Albright

January 15, 2021 — Gideon Mayhak


We interrupt our regular broadcast to bring you a late Christmas treat: a new addition to the CD collection--by an artist I hadn't heard of before--received as a gift.


Tags: cd-listening, christmas, music

From Computer Magic to Costa

December 19, 2020 — Gideon Mayhak


More of my CDs and why I have them. These sort of hit on opposite ends of my life, from recent adulthood to early childhood.

WARNING: This episode may contain a tangent of love.


Tags: cd-listening, meet-the-mayhaks, music

From CAKE to Cars

December 11, 2020 — Gideon Mayhak


This time, we have two bands from the collection. One I have a little, one I have a lot. Don't be fooled by the CDs that I've got: I'm still, I'm still avoiding disc rot.


Tags: cd-listening, meet-the-mayhaks, music

From Bowie to Brubeck

December 03, 2020 — Gideon Mayhak


This one brings us two artists who shouldn't need any introduction, and about whom I feel woefully underqualified to write. As with previous entries, I'll focus mostly on what they mean to me and how their albums made it into my CD collection.


Tags: cd-listening, meet-the-mayhaks, music

From Beat to Boston

November 29, 2020 — Gideon Mayhak


In this installment, we go across the pond and back again. These are all bands that have been with me in spirit for a long time, but they entered my CD collection at very different times.


Tags: cd-listening, meet-the-mayhaks, music

From Banta to Battles

November 20, 2020 — Gideon Mayhak

After completing my CD ripping project, I decided it was time to listen to my 264-disc collection all over again. I haven't listened to some of these albums in their entirety for years, and I wanted to revisit some of those less-worn tomes. I figured it might be nice to write a little about them as I go, but don't expect top-quality music journalism or in-depth song analyses.


Tags: cd-listening, cd-ripping, music